this is our
We deeply understand the attack and stress that ministry leaders are experiencing as they faithfully serve Jesus, as well as the stress that their families are having to walk through. Having served in full time ministry for over 20 years, we have gone through a vast number of hardships that ministry leaders experience. To put it simply - we just get it + we want people to experience it differently then we had to.
After meeting in college, we immediately started doing high school ministry TOGETHER and we have been a team ever since. A team that has had to fight through and with each other in order to really see what God wanted our ministry to look like - I promise you it is not what we had envisioned when we got married 21 years ago.
NOTHING in ministry has been easy for us. Through the hurtful comments of elders and church members, with the unrealistic expectations placed on us as individuals, our parenting and our children, through the lies that were spoken about us, from the stress that caused hurts within our marriage that almost ended in divorce, to being let go from churches for reasons that simply did not make sense, God was developing us in that tension. All of this lead us to an amazing partnership with Standing Stone Ministry.
The churches that we have served in have been beautiful and messy - some have been environments that have left us hurting, having fear, questioning our relationship with Jesus, and leaving us with wounds that have taken a long time to heal.
Our heart for ministry has not changed - we want to love people - it has developed over the last number of years into something deeper. We have grown to love the art of discipleship & helping people walk through their unique healing. Now that is what we get to do -meet ministry leaders (and spouses) where they are at, to walk along side the beautiful and very messy parts of church ministry with them.
We all NEED community with people who understand.

what we do
We want to love people well, in the space that they are in and walk with them through the hard and amazing things of ministry by creating safe spaces, mentorship|discipleship|coaching and building relationships that bring healing.
create safe
We establish safe, confidential spaces through relationships, support, encouragement and connection with no cost to those that we are serving or the ministries that they are serving. We truly believe that everyone deserves a safe space and freedom to process the hard things of ministry. It is the ONE THING we wished we had in our 20+ years of church ministry.
mentor |

Pastors and ministry leaders (and their families) have been called to serve the churches and communities, but often are missing the genuine support that they need with people coming alongside of them to encourage, support, mentor, coach, and walk with them. That is where we come in - we want to be that support.
the bungalow
Our dream
We have a desire to make a relaxing, fun space available here in Sarasota, Florida - BECAUSE IT IS A BEAUTIFUL CITY - for ministry families to come to find REST, TO RECHARGE + FUN with their families or just their spouse - @ no charge to them. We began to dream up this idea back in 2020 as we processed how we can best love others and meet the needs of families serving faithfully in ministry.